90 Years In The Junction :
The West Toronto Junction Historical Society is a very active organization in Toronto’s west end. A number of years ago they were promoting a Heintzman Piano Company event, and I thought a documentary about the company’s history would be of interest and value to the community.

The late 19th century was an exciting, vibrant period for West Toronto Junction. The arrival of diverse groups of people and businesses built an evolving community that flourishes to this day. One of the major influences on the development of this small community was the Heintzman Piano Company, a brand that was synonymous with quality and craftsmanship.

With the assistance of the WTJHS, I began production of the 22-minute documentary, The Heintzman Piano Company, 90 Years in the Junction 1888 – 1978. The program weaves interviews with descendants of the Heintzman company into an entertaining exploration of company founder, Theodore Heintzman, and his five sons as they design and develop their world-renown pianos.

Janet Hurd, step-great-great-great granddaughter of Theodore, has an extensive understanding of her family’s genealogy. Her insight into the company is astounding, adding immeasurably to our understand of the family and their legacy.

George Heintzman, great-great grandson of Theodore, had direct experience of the Junction piano factory, and shares his extensive knowledge of the company’s history and its prominence in the Canadian piano manufacturing industry.

Neil Ross, Former President of the West Toronto Historical Society, offers a thoughtful and wide-ranging view of early Junction life, and the characters and events that shaped the community.