The Sanctuary coming soon poster and synopsis

The Sanctuary

A Feature Film Post Production Adventure :

Back in the late 20th century, I worked with a great production team on a number of projects. These productions included some corporate and music videos, if I recall correctly, and the Gemini award winning television program Floating Over Canada.

Then we all went our separate ways, for about three decades.

director Allen Kool
Director – Allen Kool

Fast forward to the closing years of the first decade of the 21st century, I move to a small southwestern Ontario city.
Within a year of that move, I receive a call from members of that very same team so many years ago -Director Allen Kool and Cameraperson David O’Keefe.

Cameraperson David O'Keefe
Cameraperson – David O’Keefe

They are producing a feature film. Am I interested in “getting the band back together”?

I was offered the role of post-production supervisor and editor.

They said it would be fun.

I said, “Okay”.

The Sanctuary crew on set

In May 2019 production began, and for the next six months I would work on The Sanctuary.

And it was fun.

After many years of production in numerous categories – documentaries, commercials, corporate, television series, this was my first feature film.

And it was my first major production in 4K. There were a lot of new, and emerging, technologies to explore.
While the world of editing techniques has remained consistent for many years, although editorial styles change time to time, the major changes are in digital technology.

My Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) editing system was up to the task technically, but I had to go through a learning curve on formats, exchanges between Blackmagic BRAW and Apple ProRes, as well as dealing with multiple audio configurations.

What made the project more than worthwhile was working with a great bunch of people both experienced and non, but all willing to learn and share in that experience.

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